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Witch Hunts in the Living Room

Cyber McCarthyism:  Witch Hunts in the Living Room
The Sociological Basis for Mass Hate
The elements which go into the development of mass hate include the following: 1) strains on the community through the recognition of a moral boundary crisis and identification of villains, 2) crystallizing of patterned labelling through a degradation ceremony, 3) appropriation of the social apparatus and suppression of critique mechanisms, 4) restoration of a normal situation. This sequence can be found in a variety of situations ranging from the search for witches in colonial Massachusetts to the ganging up on Chicanos in wartime California to the persecution of the Hollywood 10 in the McCarthy era. The elements which link these events are the moral indignation of the community made manifest through patterned labelling (Doyle, 1988).

[Image: media-desensitisation-1-728.jpg?cb=1296033912]










[Image: media-psychology-7-638.jpg?cb=1379657662]


Add another factor to the ring!



[Image: wordpills.jpg]


Playing the video media games  



They got a pill for that.






[Image: animals-hypnosis-stage_hypnotist-hypnoth...73_low.jpg]


No wonder families have all broken up. Worrying about shit we can't control instead of concentrating efforts to pay more attention to the people that matter most in each of our individual lives. Keep your eyes on your families and immediate communities.  Never mind the bullshit blasting in from the outside.  Look inside and answers do become apparent in time...


The History of Mind Control:
What we can prove and what we can't
THE MALLEUS was used as a bible for witch-hunting, and it tells you how to identify witches and how especially to interrogate them, and how to cure them--the cure usually being killing them.  
The value of THE MALLEUS, I think, is two-fold. It is probably the second known text book in history on cross-examination techniques, the first one being THE PLATONIC DIALOGUES. And so, we get in THE MALLEUS, a systemization of the knowledge of how to do interrogations to lead people to give confessions that you want them to give, and so in the history of mind control it plays a very important role, because this is the work that was used by the inquisitors throughout the Middle Ages and thereafter to obtain confessions and indeed false confessions. 
THE MALLEUS itself then was read by police departments centuries later and used as the beginning of the development of police manual. Let me jump ahead a couple of centuries until last century, the 1800's, with the birth of psychiatry, and it perhaps is no surprise that there is a common link to possession theories and the birth of psychiatry, in that most psychiatric treatments had the same elements of violence that we see in THE MALLEUS and that we see in the exorcism, and beyond that. It's the cast-the-demons-out.


Like water without fish author of some of the words:

Flowers, there period. For your love, is already some undeliverable mind. But I rejoice in your fragile life, I came. That period of mild to life, that period tapestry busy day, because of love, already regrets.


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