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The Survival and Freedom of America

As a nation we've certainly downgraded our dream of greatness. Our materialism and desire to dominate all society the world over through the use of consumerism, social discord, media driven propaganda, etc. The great American dream has become a nightmare through marketing ourselves as symbol pushers. Manipulating our words and signs to bargain the spirit of America to the highest bidder. Does the work you do enough to make you happy? Do you really love or is it just sentimental bullshit
The Mike Wallace Interview: Erich Fromm (1958-05-25) 
Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst and social critic, talks to Wallace about society, materialism, relationships, government, religion, and happiness.

So far this is a great interview. Too bad moderators and interviewers today do not ask the important questions we need to make informed decisions in our politics and social attitudes.


The Consent of the Manipulated
Our democratic sense of authority has been manipulated by an authority that does not care about the well being of individual Americans. Because we concentrate more and more on material objects to give us that sense of instant gratification. In the end IT does nothing to reach the inner spirit of our better nature. Affecting our well being towards negativity and hate. Our imaginations are being subverted to profit those who control OUR consent of authority. We worship machines instead of God and our trust in each other as men and women of value.

Quote:So far this is a great interview. Too bad moderators and interviewers today do not ask the important questions we need to make informed decisions in our politics and social attitudes.

[Image: D72ZwCx.jpg]

Quote:So far this is a great interview. Too bad moderators and interviewers today do not ask the important questions we need to make informed decisions in our politics and social attitudes.

It's a sad thing to see. The quality of journalism definitely leaves something to be desired. I turn on the news everyday and all I hear is a babble of fast talkers grilling each other over talking points that have no meaning. The issues are presented with the smoothness of snake oil salesman selling party favors to a funeral. Especially when they smell doom in the air. The stench of it is ever prevalent. An invisible mass of effluvium oozing forth from the video screen.

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