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The Pope Declares Paris Attacks Start Of The Third War War

In an interview with an Italian television station today over the telephone, Pope Francis declared yesterday's attacks in Paris the beginning of World War 3. As quoted by the pontiff, "This is a piece meal Third World War" meaning that all these events are interconnected. He has used the reference before in regards to the conflicts in Lybia, Syria and other parts of the World with conflicts revolving around the various terrorist organizations. 


He might have something here as these horrific actions are certainly going to speed up things in terms of the larger powers of the World beginning to take direct action towards the evil group of bastards known as ISIS or ISAL in the Middle East. France has already declared this a declaration of war and is under a state of emergency which makes one wonder what NATO and the other Western powers will do as a direct result of these recent events.


If things like this start happening in other stronger nations around the World then look out, as ISIS needs to be illuminated as soon as possible as nobody wants this madmen to spread throughout the World. This is not traditional warfare as conflicts are happening in many places throughout the planet.


Are these conflicts connected or not? Only time will tell as it reveals all.


What about the Buddhists and the Hindus?  How will they fair?



Quote:What about the Buddhists and the Hindus?  How will they fair?

None of us will fair good here. We are all human beings who breathe the same air and the World is now flat. Which means we will be all affected if things escalate. The horrific actions in Paris are not human and against all humanity itself. 

The Pope is right!  War has been provoked in France!  This might be the spark to the fuse. Lighting the bomb of ultimate destruction. Retalation seems to be at hand in a very large way.


Gun politics in France



Eagles of Death Metal Were Playing Paris Club When Gunmen Attacked

Yeah, yeah. We've all heard these scare tactics before.  Next up will be the a new muslim redeemer to bring forth the new jihad to cleanse the world. Not hard to be a prophet these days.  Even the pope is on the fun. Is he waiting for the aliens from the sky to come down and tell us Jesus Christ is real?  I wonder what they're going to say about him and the great prophet when they come down and tell us all we're full of shit.

So the pope 'declares' WWIII. The last republican debate pressed that message forward too! Telling us all that war is here and starting the move forward to move on it in a big way. The Enemy? Radical Islam? How do we discern a radical from a regular. Does Islam have a regular non violent method of government? 


The war is about religion!  My god is better than your god. My cock is bigger than your cock. Believe or die. Kiss my ass or get nothing!




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