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The Biggest Government Lie in All of Human History

[Image: n-SANTA-QUIET-large570.jpg]
Hundreds of Millions have lost their lives, their property, or their freedom because of The Big Lie. You probably believe it too.
The Big Lie has taken many forms in history. Centuries ago, people believed in "The Divine Right of Kings." This is the belief that the legitimacy of nothing the king does can be questioned. This belief was overthrown and replaced with the doctrine of "The Consent of the Governed," which means that nothing the king does is legitimate unless the people consent to it. It seems like "The Consent of the Governed" is the exact opposite of "The Divine Right of Kings," and many people believe that because their government proclaims "The Consent of the Governed" they are more free than ever before.
And yet, people who believe in "The Consent of the Governed" still believe The Big Lie. And modern governments are without question more centralized and far more powerful than kings of old could have even dreamed.
I'm sure you believe in human rights, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, and you agree that in many ways government is out of control. But I'm afraid if I were to tell you what The Big Lie is, you would say, "Wait a minute, that's no lie, that's true!" So I can't tell you what The Big Lie is just yet.

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