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Stunning Information on Obama… White House in Panic Mode

BREAKING: 50 Spies Release Stunning Information on Obama… White House in Panic Mode
An unnamed Defense Department official said: “The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command.”
The report, as a whole, painted an unflattering picture of an administration and president that would punish intelligence officials who gave them an accurate assessment of terrorist strength and didn’t doctor the information.

Yeah, yeah...more propaganda!  Obama has been putting muslim muzzles on everyone who doesn't abide his sharia attitude.
CentCom responds to article about investigation over intel analysts complaints
U.S. Central Command officials said Monday the intelligence-gathering process makes it difficult for any one source of information to have undue sway over decision-makers.

Whistleblowers are hard to hear, sometimes.  Forget the whistles, use trumpets instead.  Maybe we'll all hear it better.



Obama has no plan to deal with the Muslim crisis.  As far as I'm concerned we are looking at a religious war. Have been for a long time. Obama has been blaming others for his ineffective plans when dealing with these extreme killers. Seems like he's been doing that his whole time in office.
Who is ISIS?  Who is ISIL?  Who is Daesh? Are all of these creations of our government to destabilize the middle east? I don't believe for a minute that the Pentagon doesn't have any plans on how to deal with these people. They got plans for tons of scenarios. Why has he fired so many military personal in his terms? Maybe he didn't like their plans. This president has no balls. Bring in the Trumpeter! 

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