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Stargates: The real reason for the Iraq Invasion.

Saddam found a stargate digging in the desert. He claimed himself to be the reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar. Ever wonder why his mind thought he was somebody else. It was the stargate he found. The dumbass turned it on and something came through and possessed old Saddam. He didn't push the button to go through to anywhere. He actually just rang the door bell. They answered the door....
He found the stargate way out in boonie land buried under strange ruins with an unknown language carved into the rocks. Linear A type shit. Managed to keep it secret for a bit, but, he realized he needed help from the bigger powers to figure out how it worked. Don't ask why the monster that came through the stargate didn't know how to work it. I guess he got possessed by a stupid one.
Saddam was selfish about it all. Probably from the inner bullshit going on inside is spirit. The bigger powers wanted to experiment on it more, but Saddam would have none of it. He told Bush to fuck off and come on and get it. Bush obliged him! Now, the ones who control the US have got it and they pressed the wrong button again.
I wonder who came through this time?

Back in the late 80s and early ninties, lots of UFOs where flying every which way in Iraq. One or two even crashed. Saddaam salivated over that big time. Gave him a big head and he thought he could take over the world with his new found power.




The annucocks are coming!


Quote:Back in the late 80s and early ninties, lots of UFOs where flying every which way in Iraq. One or two even crashed. Saddaam salivated over that big time. Gave him a big head and he thought he could take over the world with his new found power.

Drunk aliens! What do expext. Even the galactic powers that be grab a beer now and then. Sometimes they're known to over-indulge just like humans.

Quote:Drunk aliens! What do expext. Even the galactic powers that be grab a beer now and then. Sometimes they're known to over-indulge just like humans.

Yeah, they over-indulge. But, wine and women aren't their poison.


When Saddaam rang the doorbell there was a guardian at the gate. This guardian was set there to make sure nothing ever came through from that door again. It's been there a long time just waiting. Twiddling its thumbs, if it had any! Well, since it's been sitting there for such a very long time it went a little mad. No! Not just a little mad. A lot. It was pissed off big time and found the first suseptable human to dive into. Saddaam was its choice. 
Now, there is no guard at the gate. 

That's not a gate to the stars. It's  a gate to the dark lord of eternity. He does nothing for free! It will crush your soul and make it look like you did it yourself. The book of gates is folly!


Quote:Isn't that just a little door? Isn't there a big one that leads to the bottomless pit?

Read revelations 5 through 10. That tells how Enki will come down to earth and unlock the stargate to the bottomless pit. Lots of upheaval when wormwood comes close. Once that gate gets opened all hell will break lose on earth.

<sub>Wormwood? NASA has been feeding us all info about that for a while. I haven't seen shit in the sky.</sub>



Quote:<sub>Wormwood? NASA has been feeding us all info about that for a while. I haven't seen shit in the sky.</sub>

You're not supposed to. The sun and its glare hides it pretty well. Bodies coming in from outside of the solar system are on a longer owl format of time. Orbits in that zone take a while to complete a cycle...


[Image: NibiruOrbitBordonLINK061711.jpg]


Those longer orbits are what makes building stargates complicated. Sometimes their orbits get deviated by unknown bodies. Mapping the solar system will not be enough to navigate further out.


Ever see a wormhole travel through a star or planet. 


Not a pretty site!







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