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How Government Takes Away Your Right to do Something

How Government Takes Away Your Right to do Something and Sells it Back to You as a “License”
Government has, for thousands of years, refined its methods of extracting wealth from people, perhaps with no greater efficiency than in 20th century America. The Federal Reserve, corporatism, and consumerism proved a winning combination for achieving what is known as The Great Fleecing.
While this brought about the largest transfer of wealth in history from the middle class to the 1 percent, through taxes it has also fueled the growth of an incomprehensible leviathan. The Pentagon alone “spends” (actually borrows from the Fed) $600 billion a year using our tax dollars to perpetuate endless war, and it’s never been audited.
Searching for the golden fleece. All governments the world over have been fleecing the sheep for all of recorded history. Before that? I suspect human beings learned how to fleece the sheep from the gods. 
Endless war..................Doomed to repeat....................!

World leaders: clamp down on tax havens and stop the abuse of our tax systems.
What’s the big takeaway from the Panama Papers? That there’s a set of tax rules for the wealthy elite, and another for the rest of us.

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