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House Democrats Move to Implement First Sharia Laws

While You Were Enjoying Holidays => House Democrats Move to Implement First Sharia Laws
On December 17, Democrat Congressmen quietly sponsored House Resolution 569, a resolution that asks lawmakers to condemn “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” The resolution specifically mentions Muslims, no other religious groups, and will serve as a test by which further criminalizing of “Islamophobia” may be introduced.
Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

There has got to be a profit in this somewhere. Who stands to make a killing with this nonsense?





[Image: tumblr_mhgmq8hFWv1qin6gqo1_250.gif]

Democrats Push Pro-Hijab "Islamophobia" Resolution
Resolutions of this nature have a tendency to be reintroduced later as binding legislation to be forwarded to the Senate. The introduction of this resolution is not yet newsworthy, but it will be if it emerges intact from committee to be voted on by the whole House. One suspects that H.Res.569 was inspired by U.S.  Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s promise to an audience of Muslim Advocates on December 3rd that she would spend efforts to combat and prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. I do not think the two-week gap between Lynch’s pronouncements and the introduction of the resolution is coincidental. It probably took two weeks to compose and fine-tune its wording.

[Image: tumblr-n0w9ev29j61qz88obo2-400.gif?1384968217]

Remember? It's only a bill:
Can't we all just get along?
[Image: uC950jg.gif]

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