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Department of Defense Data Show Pandemic Actually Accelerated Covid 19 Spread

The Trump legacy before our eyes. He took an oath to protect and defend the country. This was in the works for years, I knew it as soon as they started this COVID crap that something was wrong and had the Gates eugenics agenda upfront and center as an explanation. Trump just may be controlled opposition at this point, nothing he's doing about this makes any sense. He failed to protect the country, he let a foreign adversary subvert our elections and put in people who would subvert the law and have at us with no consequences. Spare me the crap about the sting and such, this is beyond reason. I pulled all donations from him, my faith in him, and "the patriots" is on life support at this point in time. I might be wrong, I hope I am but for now, all I see is bad, bad, bad, bad with no one pushing back.

DOD Data

Anybody trying to do the right thing in that situation surrounded literally by a pack of wolves is essentially boxed in. Perhaps what we are seeing today is one big exposure and the largest sting operation in history. It's obvious they had these "vaccines" ready to roll PRIOR to this disaster. Blaming Trump is not helpful nor has much merit based on how coordinated and connected everything is these days.

Humans are unique in this respect: We can stress ourselves out with hypothetical events, things that never happen or might never happen. Or even inflate a reality beyond reasoning.

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