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Covid Vaccine Deaths Being Counted As Virus Deaths

It seems authorities have been instructed to count potential deaths from the Covid vaccines as Covid deaths if the individual in question does not receive the second jab. A majority of these deaths are sudden without any underlining symptoms of the flu that might be attributed to Covid 19.

Just as earlier in this mountain of mendacity, any fatality ranging from vehicle accidents, old age, and even cancer have been counted as Covid 19 deaths just to inflate the numbers. It seems a new way has been found serving a dual purpose for this entire fake narrative. They can cover up vaccine-related fatalities and pile on to the already heavily inflated Covid 19 deaths. 

That reminds me, can anybody please answer this simple question, what happened to the flu and all the fatalities that suddenly disappeared? Oh sorry, good questions are not allowed.

Here are a couple of links to substantiate the information above from reputable doctors:

Dr. Richard Proctor on the Hagman Report - Rumble

Dr. Simone Gold America's Frontline Doctors

Several other doctors are stating the same many others remain silent

that's how statisticians and accountants roll...

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