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China's president arrives in United States

Xi Jinping, Chinese Leader, Has Weighty Agenda and Busy Schedule for U.S. Visit
Though common ground may be found on issues like climate change, Mr. Xi is expected to yield little on points of contention between the United States and China, including cyberespionage, island-building in disputed areas of the South China Sea, and tightened controls on foreign businesses and nongovernmental organizations operating in China. Here are the details:

Meets with Technology Titans

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in the Seattle area on Tuesday to kick off a week-long U.S. visit that will include meetings with U.S. business leaders, a black-tie state dinner at the White House hosted by President Barack Obama and an address at the United Nations.

U.S. government and business leaders aim to strike a balance between forging agreements and improving relations with the world's second-largest economy, while sending strong messages about allegations of Chinese cyber spying and intellectual property violations as well as Internet censorship and China's disputed territorial claims to islands in the South China Sea.


[Image: 5a982dc8-fd23-421a-83c1-f74e54507f4b.jpeg]




Contact lenses might be better!  Get some of that Borg tech...


[Image: Baby-Borg-star-trek-voyager-30941254-500-392.jpg]







While the media has been keeping us all distracted with the Pope's visit to the US the Chinese President has been moving around and checking out all the technology companies.  Cyber-security and technology seems to be the order of his agenda at the moment.


Check out his itinerary Here:


He's been touring around and all the kiss ass zuckers are kow towing to his authority.  


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