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Biden administration launches $6 bln nuclear power credit program

The U.S. nuclear power industry's 93 reactors generate more than half of the country's carbon-free electricity, according to the Department of Energy (DOE). But 12 reactors have closed since 2013 in the face of competition from renewable energy and plants that burn plentiful natural gas.

In addition, safety costs have soared after the 2011 tsunami at Japan's Fukushima plant and after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The industry produces toxic waste, currently stored on site at plants across 28 states.

The program could help a range of utilities, including PSEG (PEG.N) and Constellation Energy Corp (CEG.O), which currently do not have plan to shut plants.

California willing to keep nuclear plant running to keep lights on

It followed a Los Angeles Times interview with the governor published on Friday in which he said the state "would be remiss" not to apply for funding under a new $6 billion federal program aimed at helping nuclear power plants stay open.

[Image: diablo-canyon-exterior-2.jpg]

[Image: power-reactors-operating.png]

Mapping Every Power Plant in the United States

The Washington Post has put together an extraordinary data visualization that shows how the United States has generated its electricity so far this year. Using data from the Energy Information Administration, they have mapped every power source and categorized it by type and size.

[Image: power-plant-featured.jpg]

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