06-27-2022, 11:51 PM
06-28-2022, 12:06 AM
05-18-2023, 07:47 PM
This is an important subject to consider. These things can cause messy problems to be sure. So it's always nice to be prepared and know a few things beforehand in case of dire emergencies. Grab your shovels, buy your lime, cuz a diggin we will go...
It's good to be clean!
15 Ways To Wipe Your Butt When The Toilet Paper Is Gone
It's been said that toilet paper will be worth its weight in gold after the shit hits the fan. I don't think this is far from the truth. Toilet paper is a modern luxury that people tend to take for granted until the moment they reach for it and find nothing but a cardboard roll. When that happens, they would gladly pay top dollar for a few squares.
You know you've been there. Of course, all you have to do is waddle around the house until you find some more toilet paper or at least some paper towels. But what if you don't have any more? What would you do then?
This is why it's important to store plenty of toilet paper. But that's not enough. What if the crisis lasts a long time and you run out? What if you have to abandon your home? What if your toilet paper is destroyed by flood or fire? In case that happens, you'll need to consider some substitutes for toilet paper.
It's good to be clean!
15 Ways To Wipe Your Butt When The Toilet Paper Is Gone
It's been said that toilet paper will be worth its weight in gold after the shit hits the fan. I don't think this is far from the truth. Toilet paper is a modern luxury that people tend to take for granted until the moment they reach for it and find nothing but a cardboard roll. When that happens, they would gladly pay top dollar for a few squares.
You know you've been there. Of course, all you have to do is waddle around the house until you find some more toilet paper or at least some paper towels. But what if you don't have any more? What would you do then?
This is why it's important to store plenty of toilet paper. But that's not enough. What if the crisis lasts a long time and you run out? What if you have to abandon your home? What if your toilet paper is destroyed by flood or fire? In case that happens, you'll need to consider some substitutes for toilet paper.
05-18-2023, 07:51 PM
Learn to wipe like a Roman! The rock method looks interesting...
05-18-2023, 09:22 PM
It's important to know about hand etiquette when traveling abroad. Especially in Asian countries. Wiping your ass is usually done with the left hand. You might want to practice this before you make your travel plans. Never eat or pass food to another with your left hand. Very rude! Always eat with your right hand.