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Full Version: Insanity Of The Woke Culture How Far It's Gone
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Woke Culture Insanity - propaganda has gone mad

The so called woke culture has gone off the rails or I'm probably flying off the handle myself. I was on a popular business oriented forum and people were commenting about the Ukraine and Russia conflict so I decided to chime in with a very neutral observation posting a link found on Duck Duck Go.

It turns out because the link was from DuckDuckGo I was literally crucified and accused of spreading disinformation for simply using the search engine to get information. Apparently if you are a left wing nut job using Duck Duck Go in any fashion means you are looking to spread lies and propaganda.

[Image: CAGIJyZ.png]

This was news to me. These people have literally gone insane. Apparently use Google or otherwise your information is a false narrative by default now. Fuck me I'm in the Twilight Zone.

The integration of propaganda has gone to whole new levels.
[Image: dnOCy9m.png]

YouTube deletes Trump Interview


Icon_rolleyes Whistling Chuckle 

Mel Brooks Says ‘Blazing Saddles’ Would Never Get Made Today Because Political Correctness ‘Is the Death of Comedy’

There are some subjects he wouldn't make light of, however.