Communication Breakdown Open Source Community

Full Version: Shoplifting from Walmart Shouldn't Be a Crime
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Quote:Yes, I saw this story.  That is ludicrous. This kind of behavior concerns everyone. Reason being the bottom line: the costs incurred are charged to the paying customer. What are the items most stolen?  I figure it's crap the shoplifter doesn't really need! Is food a big item on a shoplifters list?  If it is on the list, it shouldn't be.  Americans do eat well enough!  The video proves that well enough

Perhaps a different punishment is in order?  Jail?  No!  Too expensive.  Any suggestions? or, are my ponderings full of crap...???

You, dear reader, can decide that for yourself.

maybe they should work for the city mowing lawns, picking up papers in parking lots, trimming trees on public land


cost a lot of money to put these guys in jail.  might as well not put them in jail at all. they sell those expensive items they steal for the drugs. Â