As the first Gothic cathedral to be built in Britain, Canterbury was at the forefront of an architectural revolution. But the building we know today has its origins in the most famous murder of the medieval age -- that of Thomas Becket in December 1170.
St. Giles' in Edinburgh is among our most modest cathedrals, yet became the symbolic heart of Scottish Christianity. When Charles I tried to change the way Scots worshipped and turn the church into a cathedral, he was playing with fire. Here, the building's unsettled history is brought to life.
In the early 19th century the grand architecture of York Minster was an enigma. But then in 1829 "the voice of God" drove Jonathan Martin to burn the cathedral down. While locals became obsessed with finding and punishing the perpetrator, architect John Browne became equally enthralled by the secrets the decimated structure began to reveal.
Use your mind, heart, and soul to study the esoteric or unknown. Look within....intuition only takes you so far and may lead one astray! Decide for yourself as to why the 'builders' made these 'great works'. Their purpose is not altruistic. It is only cloaked to look that way! The example of Jesus Christ is not a priority...Preaching and practicing are two different things!
This goes far back into history. The great pyramid is the greatest architectural example, that we know of, regarding the great work of alchemical esoteric knowledge
Seasons and cycles in the Universe. Even down here on Earth. Everything has a season. Good times, bad times. Those who are aware of these things know the planet is going through another cycle. Cleansing itself by fire, water, air, and earth and are taking full advantage of the ignorance of the worlds population to safe themselves for their selfish so called elite purpose. Humanity is just a part of this cycle.
Elysium only for the privileged few. The rest of us get the shaft. . Wheels within wheels!
Quote:You may want to check out this link detailing the Ancient Esoteric Agenda. It offers much more on the Egyptian great works. The great pyramid is not the only example. The Temple of Karnak is quite compelling in its magical quality. It is as awe inspiring as the cathedrals....and then some!
Ancient Knowledge
The symbolism that architecture is one of harmony and proportion. The ancients did know the principles behind the golden number and pie...The temple at Luxor is a fine example of these theories....
Forbidden Knowledge of Luxor Temple in Ancient Egypt
Alchemy, cymatics and the science of spirit.
The temple was the teaching" A look at the ancient Egyptian temple as an interactive repository of Forbidden Knowledge. After more than 17 years onsite at Luxor Temple, the enigmatic mathematician philosopher and modern-day alchemist R.A. Schwaller de Lubics discovered a key that unlocks a timeless teaching encoded in stone.
Does Luxor temple conceal and ancient teaching about the metaphysical anatomy of man? West explores the controversial findings of Schwaller de Lubics and the biometric data he discovered hidden in this remarkable temple.
Forbidden knowledge, which is different from secret knowledge, is used to describe forbidden books or other information to which access is restricted or deprecated for political or religious reasons. Forbidden knowledge is commonly not secret, rather a society or various institutions will use repressive mechanisms to either completely prevent the publication of information they find objectionable or dangerous (censorship), or failing that, to try to reduce the public's trust in such information (
propaganda). Public repression can create paradoxical situation where the proscribed information is generally common knowledge but publicly citing it is disallowed.
Esoteric Architecture!
I've seen this before!
For those interested go check out Gettysburg...
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The spiritual house we call a church is above all intended to be reflection of heaven arrayed in signs and symbols. A church is intended to be a map of heaven and how to get there. The church building is also a metaphor in stone of a people's own spiritual journey as we make our pilgrimage from isolated individuals, into community, to the presence of the Divine.
This is the gate of heaven, the door of eternal life: it leads the traveller towards the stars. On entering, a person may penetrate the heavenly mountain, if he takes with him faith and hope as his companions. Here forgiveness may be sought, if the pilgrim enters with a devout heart, and on foot. Here also a sinner may shed his evil acts and with tears wash this sacred threshold. Then purged by tears of repentance and adorned with humility, he is worthy to enter the holy places of God. I believe that Jesus in his mercy forgives their sins, so that whoever enters sad will emerge more joyful.
Alcuin of York AD C.735-804
The Early Church House
Christian texts and archaeology show that Christians gathered in people's houses. These houses were often the villas of the richer members of the Christian community. These church houses appear to have undergone significant renovations and additions to meet the needs of the Christian community. These facts shed some interesting light into a sometimes murky historical period in the early Church.
The Basilica Church
The second great watershed in the evolution of a church's sacred space occurred when the Emperor Constantine issued a series of edicts and letters from AD 306-311 declaring toleration for all religions throughout the Empire. In the year AD 312 it was said that Constantine converted to Christianity and with his support the once persecuted church received enormous imperial grants of land and money.
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