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Full Version: U.S. student performance slides on national test
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Fourth-graders and eighth-graders across the United States lost ground on national mathematics tests this year, the first declines in scores since the federal government began administering the exams in 1990.
Reading performance also was sobering: Eighth-grade scores dropped, according to results released Wednesday, while fourth-grade performance was stagnant compared with 2013, the last time students took the test.


Sad state of affairs when old minds are transported into the thunderdome of lies and common core procedures to instill fear into their little hearts.



Quote:Sad state of affairs when old minds are transported into the thunderdome of lies and common core procedures to instill fear into their little hearts.

Don't forget the control mechanisms for future developments!  Give the right answers and you get in the door!  Only the 'right answers' don't include questioning the authority giving them.