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Full Version: Our Infrastructure Is Falling Apart
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Our Infrastructure Is Falling Apart -The Railroads
Perhaps our infrastructure should be a bigger priority than who we are going to bomb next, or what new weapon we can build. The railroads get government subsidies and tax concessions out the ying yang. So does Amtrak which uses CSX lines to transport people. So whether or not the lines are privately owned, our tax dollars fund it to a degree one way or another. And if we are going to spend money on something, our infrastructure is a good place to start.


Trump wants to invest in Americans once again!  This country does need to rebuild itself.  In many ways...


A century of living anywhere causes serious wear and tear. That goes double for a town as busy and rough as this one, though.
Over time, New York has grown up around, under, and above itself with more buildings, trains, and skyscrapers. Along the way, we have picked up a laundry list of decaying pipes, crumbling buildings, squalid subway stations and tunnels, rotting pier pilings, and often roughshod streets.


This kind of thing is common throughout small towns in America.  Roads in disrepair, bridges falling apart, drains and canals growing over with weeds...