If you are really going to do this then pick a safe place away from the general public. Â LSD is not something you're going to want to take around people who are not taking it with you. Â It's done best when sharing the experience with others. Â You might want to put it all on video. Â Watch it later and you just might find out how far down the rams oriface you went. Â If you think about it really, really hard, the laughing you heard was not really your own.
Go out into a natural place. Â Away from people. Â Plan your activities before you take it. Â Music is great. Â Especially if you play an instrument yourself. Draw, write, do something in the muses!Â
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to come down off the trip. Do a weekend kind of thing. Â Once you take it you're gonna be in altered states for about 24 hours. Â Give it an extra two days to rest up after the adventure. Make sure you don't do anything dangerous or freaky while tripping. Â Don't watch any scary movies. Â Unless you want to go into 'no mans land'! Â Unplug from the technology and go out in the woods. Bring a cell phone in case you get scared. Â Then give us a call and we'll come and get you.

Thank you for all your responses. Â I don't when I'm going to take it. Â If I ever will. Â I only smoked some pot in college and have an occasional cocktail to relax. Â I was just wondering whether these other mind altering type drugs do change the person inside the person. Â My old gran told the stories about her days hanging around the hippies. Â I know she did LSD and mushrooms. Â Sometimes she says the weirdest things.
Quote: :wub:
Thank you for all your responses. Â I don't when I'm going to take it. Â If I ever will. Â I only smoked some pot in college and have an occasional cocktail to relax. Â I was just wondering whether these other mind altering type drugs do change the person inside the person. Â My old gran told the stories about her days hanging around the hippies. Â I know she did LSD and mushrooms. Â Sometimes she says the weirdest things.
What kind of stories does your old gran say about those weird things? Â
Quote:Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to come down off the trip. Do a weekend kind of thing. Â Once you take it you're gonna be in altered states for about 24 hours. Â Give it an extra two days to rest up after the adventure. Make sure you don't do anything dangerous or freaky while tripping. Â Don't watch any scary movies. Â Unless you want to go into 'no mans land'! Â Unplug from the technology and go out in the woods. Bring a cell phone in case you get scared. Â Then give us a call and we'll come and get you.
We'll come get you? And 'who' might you be?
what if these jihaddies put these kemikal microdots in the water? then we'd all be trippin'. Â mebbe the gubment already did and we jus don' kno it.
Quote:what if these jihaddies put these kemikal microdots in the water? then we'd all be trippin'. Â mebbe the gubment already did and we jus don' kno it.
Hah! Â My old gran says the microdots she took in the old days are the microchips in the nanobots.
Quote:We'll come get you? And 'who' might you be?
It's possible to quad angle the positioning from the cell to facilitate a smooth transmission. From there the ride goes to the outer limits of perimeter access. Beyond that requires further adjustment...
Quote:It's possible to quad angle the positioning from the cell to facilitate a smooth transmission. From there the ride goes to the outer limits of perimeter access. Beyond that requires further adjustment...
What are you talking about?
Can you explain this in
english please.

No. I decided not to do it. It isn't a natural method of enhancing my own state as a human being. I abhor taking drugs of this type. Psychotropics too.Â