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Quote:Dude, you got played. That was Cherry Garcia, himself. I have it on good authority that he would put on slight of hand disguises and go out into the tailgate party. He'd even set up his own booth with all kinds of arcane stuff hanging around. He'd pretend to be Gandalf with his palantir and freak out the locals on the road. Never heard about the ouiger board.

Cherry Garcia is Rocky!? No way. Rocky was another dude. He ran his palantir freak show for years. I heard he had others workin for him selling tabs and other wares around the flea market to keep his little magic show going. Uncle John's band was workin the place providing the party fare for all. That's for sure. Him and others were out at all the big shows from all the big bands running their ops. For agenda as well as profit.



Quote:Cern is a ouiga. A big one!



[Image: Demonic-Realm-Welcomes-CERN1.gif]


Scary thought! How many hands on the planchette?









[Image: ouija-gif-31.gif]





[Image: tumblr_nek0jrpHvN1tyfqs1o1_500%2B-%2BKopi.gif]




[Image: tumblr_nxmcp9DtvR1qlrl72o1_500.jpg]


That's Racist!






Are the spirits racist?


Quote:Are the spirits racist?

Yeah, they hate everything that's human. Don't F*ck with a ouiji board. The dumbass on this thread will get his for playing with the spirit world


Quote:Yeah, they hate everything that's human. Don't F*ck with a ouiji board. The dumbass on this thread will get his for playing with the spirit world

[Image: 1173118532-0e5a56a98f84cb3a63707f4a98da1cae.jpg]






Quote:[Image: 1173118532-0e5a56a98f84cb3a63707f4a98da1cae.jpg]





Yep. That was a biggin.


[Image: pIRxb2.gif]



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