F*ck him. Everybody knows he's crazy. It won't take much to set off his firecrackers. His whole spiel is just a burg of cold fire floating in an ocean of shit.
More like a turd that won't flush. Send out stymie if he gets too close. Don't forget the static.
Hymie thinks that may be a mistake.
F*ck Hymie. I'm sick of his statistical crap. It don't know everything.
No. It doesn't. But he takes orders just like the rest of us.
Yes, yes, yes. I know. Still, send out the stymie signal. Last time the wigger asked the right question and sent the whole group in a tizzy. Took us days to settle them all down and gain back control of the romper room.
Wigger has a way to squelch that shit. I don't get it. Could it could be the sixth arterial?
F*ck if I know. We'll roll more stones as it comes in. Stick another fly on the wall and see what happens.
Quote:Sounds like you guys are getting ready to spray the natives with some gold dust. Not the real gold, mind you, but the kind that gives emotional desires a boost. Angel dust? No? Oh, you want them all to buy the crap your overlords sell. Nothing tooooo real. Just enough to make a killing for the markets of commerce.

Gotta keep the natives happy. Whatever floats their boat. Too bad Lucky isn't alive to see this. He'd love it. More profit for everyone!