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5 Ways Law Enforcement Will Use Tattoo Recognition Technology
One of the most worrisome applications of tattoo recognition technology is its potential ability to reveal connections or shared beliefs among a population. For example, rather than matching a particular tattoo of a crucifix with an individual, police could run the image of a crucifix through a database to produce a long set of people with similar cross tattoos. This essentially means police would be able to create lists of people based on their religion, politics, or other affiliations as expressed by their tattoos.
This type of tattoo matching could sweep up fans of the same bands or members of the same labor union or military unit. This application has a high likelihood of generating false positives—matching someone whose tattoo may be visually similar, but not actually symbolically similar. That could result in people being improperly associated with groups, such as gangs, with which they have no actual affiliation.
Law enforcement primarily wants to use this technology to identify members of gangs and hate groups, who often use coded symbols to express their affiliation. But that’s not necessarily what NIST researchers focused on during Tatt-C’s “Tattoo Similarity Experiments,” which tested how well algorithms could match different tattoos with similar visual features. Many of the images NIST asked participants to analyze were religious symbols—often Catholic iconography, such as hands holding rosaries and Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.
This should raise bright red flags for those concerned about religious freedom, especially in light of how authoritarian governments have used tattoos to oppress religious minorities. Nazi Germany’s use of tattoos to track Jews during the Holocaust comes to mind. Indeed, the six-pointed Star of David was one of the images used during the NIST experiments. However, in that case, the star also serves as the symbol of the Gangster Disciples, a Chicago street gang. So even when law enforcement is attempting to use tattoos to investigate gangs, people who are simply expressing their religion could be labeled as affiliates of criminal gangs.


3 Chiefs In 9 Days: Oakland Police Department In Scandal Meltdown
The Oakland Police Department is now under civilian control after a series of incidents of misconduct recently came to light. Multiple police chiefs stepped down after allegations that officers raped an underage sex trafficking victim, covered up crimes, and sent racist text messages.
Oakland has gone through three police chiefs in the past nine days. The latest acting police chief, Paul Figueroa, resigned from his post on Friday but Mayor Libby Schaaf did not say why. She only said that Figueroa would take a leave of absence because he was “unable to fulfill the functions of the Acting Chief of Police,” according to CBS News. The department’s command staff now reports to Sabrina Landreth, the city administrator.
Wicked shit!
Do these kinds of problems go higher up the line?


Sheriff Deputy ARRESTED at gun point for driving drunk & pulling out his gun

Must be a syndrome of sorts. Not just among cops! Like going postal...


A power trip?





Cops aren't the only ones who have corrupt reputations. Look at some of the white collar criminals we've seen shine through in the media from time to time. Some are so famous movies have been made about them. We all know the most crooked and corrupt individuals are the lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians above them in the governing caste system. Cops are just the front line. They're the ones who're going to have to take the brunt of all the shit. They'll be the first to either stand their ground or run. Ever see cops leave an area that's about to get hit with a major disaster. In the end, they, themselves look out for their own. Just like everybody else. 


It's interesting how groups behave when the shit hits the proverbial fan...


Cops mistook Krispy Kreme doughnut crumbs for drugs, man says
WTF is this shit? Are these so called authorities just looking for ways to arrest innocent people so they can fund and justify their existence as an authority. How many innocent people get sucked dry of their resources because of this behavior. Lost hours at work, fines, fees, etc.


Cops Steal Man’s Phone, Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Falsely Charge Him
The corruption starts as an unidentified trooper begins to search for anything that these gentlemen may have done to make up charges against them. However, they were clean. At this point, Trooper first class Barone chimes in describing how they now have to charge these men with something to justify their harassment and subsequent detainment.
“Want me to punch a number on this? Gotta cover our ass,” explains the trooper as they begin conspiring.
“Let’s give him something,” says an unidentified trooper, pondering the ways they can lie about this innocent man.
“What are they going to do? Are they going to do anything?” says Sergeant Jacobi, noting that they are entirely innocent.
“It’s legal to do it,” he continues, describing how the actions of the two activists are completely legal, before going on to make up charges on them.
“I think we do simple trespass, we do reckless use of the highway and creating a public disturbance,” Jacobi says as he makes up these false charges against innocent people. “All three are tickets.”
Once they figure out the false charges to raise, the officers then brainstorm a story of lies to back them up.
“And then we claim that, um, in backup, we had multiple, um,” the unidentified trooper stutters as he makes up his fake story. “Um, they (the non-existent complainants) didn’t want to stay and give us a statement, so we took our own course of action.”
The corrupt cops had then solved their fake case, lied about a cover story, and were set to charge an innocent man with three crimes — all in a day’s work.


Easiest to remember POLICE script, Practice with your friends. Make it second nature.
1. What is the emergency and how can I help?
2. Am I being detained/arrested/free to go?
3. I believe I am in a custodial arrest BECAUSE I AM NOT FREE TO GO; if I give you anything (ID, INFO, CONSENT) will you use it to further a charge against me? REPEAT 1-3
Once arrested, shut up. Don't process if possible.
Might not be able to resist processing:
If asked for allergies: FD&C1-255, florescent lighting, concrete, steel, pork, artificial sugars, prolonged exposure to temperatures below 73 or above 82, loud noises, electronic devices, etc. etc...
Memorize the address to the jail before your visit. When asked for your address, give it to them.
When asked for your SSN, ask if your free to associate with that number or not? Choose not to associate with it.
For court, I recommend studying Marc Stevens' practices.
Short of that:
Objection! What facts or evidence are you relying on to prove THAT LAW applies to me?
When you're free, I will be.
Let me know what else you can think of. I'm only one brain after all.


A 91 year old man tazered by police..


....come on big guy? A few little slaps from a very old man and you get bent out of shape.


You can't subdue a crippled old man without your toy?


Even tackling a man of that age would break bones!


Newly-released body-camera video captures the scene from March in which an undersheriff with the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office tased a 91-year-old man with Alzheimer's at a Minneapolis nursing home because the man wouldn't get in a car to go to the doctor.
Video at the link


BUSTED: Parents Catch FBI in Plot to Force Mentally Ill Son to Be a Right Wing Terrorist
The parents of a severely mentally disabled man are speaking out on how the FBI groomed him as a right wing terrorist, knowing he's paranoid 
However, if we backtrack just a bit, to when the FBI began grooming their would-be right wing militia terrorist, the vileness comes directly from the government.
“The FBI knew he was schizophrenic,” Varnell’s parents declared on Wednesday in an open letter bravely published by NewsOK.
The FBI clearly knew that he was schizophrenic because they have gathered every ounce of information on him.”
Yet they knowingly continued to groom him, despite the clear immoral implications.
“What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional…..  He has suffered through countless serious full-blown schizophrenic delusional episodes and he has been put in numerous mental hospitals since he was 16 years old. The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own. 
The parents noted that during the setup, they suspected something was going on and Jerry’s father told the informant to stay away from their son. However, according to the parents, the informant “continued to sneak onto our residence. The FBI paid him to continue this operation and I believe they have cleared his criminal record.”
Because they knew Varnell had severe mental disabilities, the FBI should have had stopped their plans to do this and immediately sought an option of hospitalization. However, they pressed on.
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